Search Results
[GRANBLUE FANTASY] - OTK EX+ Wind Team (3 skills, 2 summons)
[GBF] July 2019 Unite and Fight Ex+ OTK (3 Skills + 2 Summons)
GBF Dark OTK EX+ | 3 Setups | 1 Summon or 2 Skills
[Granblue Fantasy] Wind 0b4c skill damage based-comp EX+ otk
Fire OTK EX+ magna 2 skills + 1 summon
EX+ OTK - 0 Skills or Summons || Wind Advantage GW 11/2021【グラブル】
[GBF] How to waste bars Wind OTK EX+ 24m 0b0c
[GBF] 0b3c OTK EX+ Wind Magna
Granblue Fantasy - GW Wind EX+ OTK... more or less
Granblue Fantasy/GBF - Wind Magna Ex+ OTK With Stamina Opus
[GBF] Fire Bosses Unite and Fight Extreme+ OTK with Water Rising Force (2 Skills + 1 Summon)
[GBF] Wind GW EX+ OTK 0B2C Elemental Summons x Huanglong W/ New Chrysaor Ultimate Mastery Skill